主题:自然的错误 (约珥・包曼)自由论(比约恩 · 麦鲁斯)
时间:2018年9月10日 晚7:00
主讲人:约珥・包曼(卡塞尔大学艺术学院院长)、比约恩 · 麦鲁斯(卡塞尔大学艺术学院视觉艺术与虚拟现实专业教授)
Lecture Series 1:And what about your “Good Morning, New World”? ——A Dialogue Exhibition between SIMA China Academy of Art and KHK Kassel Art School
Natural Errors (Joel Baumann)
The theory of freedom (Bjørn Melhus)
Time:2018.9.10 7:00pm
Location:South Gallery of CAA Art Museum
Host:Gao Shiqiang
Lecturer:Joel Baumann,Bjørn Melhus
Sponsor: School of Inter-Media Art, CAA Art Museum, China National Art Fund
主题:碰撞——在欧洲核子研究中心组织度过的时光以及对我和合作伙伴Marie-Catherine Theiler关系所造成的影响 (杨 · 彼得斯)
卡塞尔纪录片和影像艺术节——如何应对现实?部分存档影片的介绍(格哈德 · 威斯纳 · 文图拉)
时间:2018年9月11日 晚6:30
主讲人:杨 · 彼得斯(卡塞尔大学艺术学院教授)、格哈德 · 威斯纳 · 文图拉(卡塞尔纪录片和影像艺术节总监)
Lecture Series 2:And what about your “Good Morning, New World”? ——A Dialogue Exhibition between SIMA China Academy of Art and KHK Kassel Art School
COLLISIONS - about my time at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN and what it did to the relation with my partner Marie-Catherine Theiler (Jan Peters)
Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival - How to deal with reality? – A short introduction with a selection from the archive (Gerhard Wissner Ventura)
Time:2018.9.11 6:30pm
Location:South Gallery of CAA Art Museum
Host:Guan Huaibin
Lecturer:Jan Peters,Gerhard Wissner Ventura
Sponsor: School of Inter-Media Art, CAA Art Museum, China National Art Fund
1969 年生于哥伦比亚波哥大,现居住于德国卡塞尔
1994-1997 当代媒体实践学士学位,威斯敏特大学,伦敦,英国
1997-1998 超媒体研究硕士,威斯敏特大学,伦敦,英国
1999 至今 伦敦番茄联合总监/ 番茄互动联合创始人。 “番茄互动”是一个既追求个人创意价值又提供商业艺术和设计项目的平台,其客户包括:索尼,三菱汽车,朝日电视台,红牛,彭博, 盖世威,Museion, 李维斯,贝纳通,伦敦市长,James Corner Field Operations( 设计事务所 ) 等。
2003年至今 任职卡塞尔艺术学院新媒体 / 视觉传达系教授。 其主要职责包括: 课程的开发,研究和教学,启动和运行合作项目,并组织国内和国际游览等。
2005-2010 任职视觉传达系主任。其主要职责包括 : 课程的规划和结构组织,发展学习和研究领域。
2010-2013 艺术与设计学院副院长。其主要职责包括 : 教育发展 ,人力资源和结构规划。
2013 至今 艺术与设计学院院长
Joel Baumann Biography
born in 1969 in bogota, columbia, lives in kassel/germany
1994-1997 BA in Contemporary Media Practice
1997-1998 MA in Hypermedia Studies, both at University of Westminster, London, UK
since 1999 joint Director at tomato, London / co-founder of tomato interactive. Personal creative pursuit and work for clients such as: Sony, Mitsubishi Motors, tv-asahi, Redbull, Bloomberg, KSWISS, Museion, Levis, Benetton, the Mayor of London, James Corner Field Operations.
since 2003 Professor of New Media / Visual
Communication at the School of Art and Design in the University of Kassel. Course development, Research and teaching, Initiating and running cooperation projects, Organizing national and international excursions.
2005-2010 Head of the department of Visual Communication: Planning and structural organization of the course program. Development of study and research areas.
2010-2013 Vice Dean of the School of Art and Design. Development of education: human resources and structural planning since
2013 Dean of the School of Art and Design.
比约恩 · 麦鲁斯
比约恩 · 麦鲁斯简介:
1990 年至 1997 年,就读于布伦瑞克艺术大学电影与影像专业。他获得 DAAD 与下萨克森州奖学金并分别在洛杉矶加州艺术学院与纽约 ISCP 开展驻留项目。其作品最初来源于实验性电影语境,之后跨越至互动式公共装置艺术、概念创作、时尚品牌、影像装置及影像艺术领域。他的作品在国际展览与电影节上屡次亮相,斩获无数殊荣。其中包括德国短片电影实验影片奖、奥博豪森短片电影节与马尔博物馆等电影与视频节竞赛奖、VG 形象艺术奖、德国汉诺威Sprengel 博物馆及其它国际主流项目。比约恩自 2003 年起担任卡塞尔艺术与设计学院视觉艺术与虚拟现实专业教授。
Bjørn Melhus Biography
Studied Fine Arts with a major in Film/Video at the Braunschweig University of Art from 1990 to 1997. He was a fellow of the DAAD at the California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles and of the federal state of Lower Saxony at the ISCP, New York. Originally from an experimental film context his works now span interactive public art installations, conceptual pieces, a fashion label, extensive video installations and single channel video pieces. His works are shown nationally and internationally in exhibitions and film festivals and he has received numerous awards and recognitions for his work. Amongst others repeatedly the German Short Film Award for Experimental Film, Competition Awards of Film and Video Festivals such as the Oberhausen Short Film Festival or the Museum Marl, the HAP Grieshaber Preis of the VG Bild Kunst, the Prize of the Sprengel Museum, Hanover, Germany as well as several international residencies. Bjørn Melhus has been a professor of Visual Arts/Virtual Realities at the School of Art and Design Kassel since 2003.
杨 · 彼得斯
杨 · 彼得斯简介:
毕业于汉堡美术学院。1994 年,他创建了电影人组织“Abbildungszentum”。 他是巴黎第八大学德意志学术交流中心的成员,也是巴黎 LIGHT CONE 德 - 法文化协会的成员。杨 · 彼得斯以使用现代科技制作影片而闻名,但同时也擅长使用模拟设备。彼得斯也是广播剧作家和影像艺术家。他以影片里趣味性十足、将意外和缺陷的实验性使用作为媒介来强化影片效果而闻名,同样,他也很擅长在叙事者与观众之间的互动当中进行挖掘。他的作品在国内外的电影节和展览当中展出。他曾经获得了无数的奖项,其中包括费比西国际影评人奖、萨拉热窝电影节奖。2006-2008 年间,杨 · 彼得斯在日内瓦高等艺术与设计学院担任特邀教授。2011-2013 年件,他在斯图加特设计学院担任教授,自 2012 年起,他在卡塞尔艺术与设计学院教授电影与移动影像课程。
Jan Peters Biography
Graduated from the HfbK-Hamburg. In 1994 he cofounded the filmmaker organization “Abbildunszentum”. He was a fellow of the DAAD at Paris 8 University and of Deutsch-Französischer Kulturrat in Paris at LIGHT CONE. Jan Peters is internationally known as a filmmaker who works with modern technology and also specializes in analogue filmmaking. Peters is also a radio play author and video artist. He is particularly known for his playful and experimental use of accident and imperfection to emphasize the film as a medium as well as his exploration of the dynamic between narrator and audience. His works are shown nationally and internationally on film festivals and exhibitions. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his work. Amongst other the FIPRESCI Award at the Sarajevo Film Festival.
Jan Peters was invited professor in Genera at HEAD (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design) in Genf from 2006 to 2008. From 2011 to 2013 he was a professor for film and video at Merz Akademie in Stuttgart, Germany, and since 2012 he is professor for film and moving image at the School of Art and Design Kassel.
格哈德 · 威斯纳 · 文图拉
格哈德 · 威斯纳 · 文图拉简介:
1962 年出生于马尔堡/兰河,1985年至 1993 年在卡塞尔大学攻读社会学、政治以及教育学的硕士学位,自 1985 年以来参加 Filmladen Kassel 注册协会,自 1989年以来担任卡塞尔纪录片和影像艺术节的程序员和策展人(专注于短片和装置),1995 年成为卡塞尔 BALI 电影院的创始人和共同所有者,自1997年起担任卡塞尔纪录片和录像艺术节的总监。作为自由策展人,格哈德 · 威斯纳曾参与策划过 1998 年和 2002年威克莱茨双年展;1997 年,2002 年,2007 年分别参与策展了第十届、第十一届和第十二届卡塞尔文献展的电影系列;2010 年至 2012 年间,参与筹备了第十三届卡塞尔文献展的“也许是教育和公共项目”计划;2012 年,2015 年,2017 年分别担任新兴艺术家展的联合策展人(AG Kurzfilm / German Films Vol.1-3)。格哈德曾为劳里 · 安德森、达拉 · 伯恩博姆、加里 · 希尔、弗拉多 ·克里斯特尔、托尼 · 斯勒、比尔 · 比奥拉组织并举办过个展。他策划过众多电影项目,例如:1995 年的“文献展与电影有什么关系?”;1996 年 Kasseler Kunstverein“冲浪系统”影像项目;2005 年,为了纪念第一届文献展 50 周年,重新制作并播放了第一届文献展的电影部分。
Gerhard Wissner Ventura Biography:
Born 1962 in Marburg / Lahn, 1985 to 1993 master studies at University of Kassel: sociology, political and educational sciences, since 1985 participation at Filmladen Kassel registered association, since 1989 programmer and curator for the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival (focus on short film and installations), 1995 founder and co-owner of the BALi cinemas Kassel, since 1997 festival director of Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival. Freelance curator, a selection: 1998, 2002 Werkleitz Biennale, 1997, 2002, 2007 organization and realization of the documenta film series 10, 11 and 12, 2010 – 2012 Participation "Maybe Education and Public Programs" documenta 13, 2012, 2015, 2017 co-curator of the selection of Emerging Artists (AG Kurzfilm / German Films Vol. 1 - 3.). Organization and presentation of numerous shows, a selection: Laurie Anderson, Dara Birnbaum, Gary Hill, Vlado Kristl, Tony Oursler, Bill Viola. Organization of numerous film series, selection: 1995 "What does the documenta do with film?", 1996 Video program for the exhibition "Surfing Systems" at Kasseler Kunstverein, 2005 Reconstruction and re-performance of the film program of documenta 1 on the occasion of the exhibition 50 Years / Years documenta 1955 - 2005. Jury member for numerous national and international festivals.