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发布时间 2016年12月30日
来源 中国美术学院美术馆 微信公众号








































This International Higher Education ArtInstitutes Youth Art Exhibition with “Experiment·Painting” as the theme is the development and extension of the theme “Present·Fictitious” in last year. If we say, the exhibition in last year emphasizesthat painting is the psychological and physiological reflection of the humanfor natural world, then this exhibition pays more attention to the research onpainting methodology of the artists in generation of imagination andcreativity.

The College of Painting Art takes globalvision, studio teaching and creation of the College, personal studio creationof the youth, etc. as the platform to display and study the thought germinationand technological process of the contemporary youth during their creation andexplores the main characteristics of the creation of the youth today bycomparison of different concepts and methods of Chinese and western artisticcreation.

Inter-youth International Higher EducationArt Institutes Youth Art Exhibition has become an important academic brand ofthe College of Painting Art to promote teaching with research and creation, itsdistinctive and prospective thought quality, its strong attention to “techniques and methods” researchcharacteristics as well as its rich experimental symptoms are constantly beingdiscussed and deepened to establish a solid platform and experimental base forthe College to strive to build the idea of integration of art and truth as wellas tradition activation. This is the preface.


     Yang Canjun Dec. 15, 2016


















Youth Art Exhibition of Inter-Youth International Higher Education ArtInstitutes is intended to showcase the works by outstanding young artists with backgroundsat world-class art institutes and serves a platform for communication,including the works by the youth in three display forms of the past, present,and future. It demonstrates the top-notch, cutting-edge, experimental spirit ofhumanistic concern, and assumes the mission of the times of the continuation,fusion and innovation of the painting source.

The studio (workshop) affords space for sparking off thoughts andmaking creation for young artists. On the global arena of contemporary artcreation, young artists are characterized by traits for exploration andpracticality, rebellion and doubt. Young artists’ studios abound with passionand imagination, producing scintillating highlights and progress for future artand development.

This exhibition, themed on “Experiment • Painting - Report of ArtistStudio”, underscores the social responsibility of the studios and the meaningof the spirit of the times. Painting art by the youth in this era ischaracterized by their fertile imagination and creativity. Taking the studio asthe source of “skills and methods”, it sets store by the spirit of practice ofcontemporary painting and the traditional expansion and integration, and fullyreflects the rich creation methods and diversified techniques of expressionexhibited by the painting art of young artists. The exhibition and collectionof works highlights a different perspective for the visual arts, integratingthe pluralistic world of painting and the painting expression.

Based on the academic studioof the world’s art institutes, personal studios of contemporary artists, andjoint studios of young artists, etc. The works produced underlie thedemonstration form of “painting outside painting”. It realizes the reemergenceand construction of the artistic representation of the social thoughtbackground and painting experiments by the art creation. Through theexhibition, the little-known yet vital ideological background and creationscenes of the works are presented. It reproduces the scenario of art formationand creation at the studios and workshops.

The history of creation by artists’ studios is one of glorious andbrilliant achievements – ranging from the ancient Chinese and Western workshopsto separate workshops of Renaissance artists, from traditional studios to thegreat nature for production of works. During different periods in the Chineseand Western art creation history, countless young artists, starting with uniqueideas at the studios, have evolved into globally influential artists. Thestudios (workshops) of all descriptions used by contemporary Eastern andWestern artists are the source of creation by artists and the birthplace ofworks of art. The studio, as the guide to the art revolution, is the first tobear testimony to the works of art, and is a witness of the artists and theirworks. It is both bounded and limitless. According to the “Historical Novel ofSu” by Su E of the Tang Dynasty, “Workshop refers to square, meaning the placeof work is the square. Square refers to the square room.” It reveals the natureof studios (workshops). Lying behind the exploration for the origin of theworld by artists is the boundless enthusiasm for learning and unwaveringdedication. Contemporary artists’ studios exude charm and imagination, withboth privacy and openness coexisting. For the youth studios of contemporary artinstitutes, the continuation of history and contemporary academic study are thecutting-edge academic orientation; studios of contemporary young artists arethe testing ground of the richness and diversity of new painting. They areactive in the global field of contemporary painting and are the colorfullandscape of art creation.

Based on such a proposition, this “Inter-Youth” Youth ArtExhibition, through the form of creation at studio (workshop), uncovers thescenarios behind the creation of works, and elaborates the theme of “Experiment• Painting”. The exhibition is committed to launching the works of youngcontemporary artists with the characteristics of the times and their studios.  This is geared toward presenting the works ofart, artistic thought and creation forms by young artists under the globalsituation, inspiring the mission of becoming “virtuoso craftsmen” in youngcontemporary artists and ushering in the dawn of contemporary art in the East. It is aimed atproviding young artists with a high-level academic platform for creation, in abid to connect the social life and art creation, reinforce individuality andcreativity, develop an international perspective, and seek the origins of art. 

This exhibition will also set up “Inter-Youth StudioAward”, with the aim of promoting the spirit of painting, advocating humanspirit, and encouraging young artists to care for the social life throughpainting and to create the works of the era with a global vision. “Century StarInter-Youth International Youth Art Exhibition” aims to build a strategic brandwith sustainable development, becoming a new impetus and bellwether for thepainting by youth in the modern era.

Jing Shi jian





Sean Williams, A Night On Fire, watercolour on paper,


Rumiyana Karastamova - Human landscape II, intaglio, 60x80cm, 2016


林致言《静静地等待你远方的召唤》100×180cm 布面油画 2014


 徐小祥 《瓮中捉鳖》 200cmx180cm 油画 2016