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发布时间 2016年08月27日
来源 中国美术学院美术馆 微信公众号



第四分会  欣赏与实用

Session 4: Appreciation and Utility




This session is about how a culture understands the function of art. For this topic, we recommend a discussion focusing on the functions of works of art or artifacts and how such functions have been determined by the social roles which they have played over time.




 Faya Causey




Curriculum Vitae







Faya Causey is Head of the Academic Programs Department, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C where she is in charge of the public lecture program (symposia, conferences,conversations, divs, talks), the event of behind-the-scenes scholar’s days, and the museum program of internship and fellowship. She lectures and writes on amber, pre-Roman Italy, museology, a recent Michelangelo discovery, and on a few modern artists. Publications include the online digital catalogue, AncientCarved Ambers in the J. Paul Getty Museum (2012), which is linked to a paper-print book, Amber and the Ancient World (Getty, 2012). Other recent non-amber publications are on Sigmar Polke, I.M. Pei, and Paul Cézanne. In 2010, she presented works of Wu Guanzhong in Paris in Hangzhou. She has lectured widely, including in Argentina, Australia, Chile, China, Brazil, England,Scotland, Mexico, and throughout the United States.


Education: University of California, Riverside, BA (art history); University of California, Santa Barbara, MA (art history; thesis on Greek vase-painting) and PhD (art history; thesis on amber in pre-Roman Italy dissertation). Former tenured faculty of Art Center Collegeof Design, Pasadena, California and California State University, Long Beach. Fellowships included: Samuel H. Kress Foundation; Clark Art Institute; Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art; and the American Academy in Rome.  






Curriculum Vitae












Hang Jian is vice president of the China Academy of Art (CAA), Director of the China Academy of Art Museums(CAAM). Notable positions which he has held in the past include: editor-in-chief of the journal ZHUANGSHI; director of the Department of Art History at Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts& Design; vice president of Shantou University’s Cheung Kong School of Art & Design; vice president of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts & Design. In 2006, he was delegated by the Ministry of Education to serve as senior visiting scholar at Cornell University's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning.


Presently, Hang Jian is a member of the Ministry of Education’s Advisory Committee for Art Theory Studies in Colleges and Universities; member of the Advisory Committee for Postgraduate Studies in Cultural Heritage and Museology; director of the China Artists Association; associate director of the Fine Arts Theory Committee of the China Artists Association; director of the China Literary and Art Critics Association; director of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association; and chairman of the Zhejiang Folk Literature and Art Association.


Hang Jian has long been committed to craft and culture studies, and is a pioneer in the systematic research of the history of aesthetics in Chinese craft.


Notable publications: The Aesthetic History of Chinese CraftThe Kindness of Design;  New Figurative Art.






Curriculum Vitae






Assistant director of China Academy of Art Museums(CAAM) and curator of Bauhaus Institute at China Academy of Art.

The main research directions are history of modern design, modern and contemporary art history. Bauhaus: Design as enlightenment (Editor).





第1版块都是较为经典的主题,并且相互之间有所呼应,主要探讨的是“艺术作品”和“工  艺品”如何反映出当时的空间、材料、技术、审美、历史、个人和政治方面的整体信息。 




The terms Appreciation and Utility as used in art history are affected by philosophy, historiography, production, marketing, use and reception.These terms are not only time and place specific, but also have changed overtime, affected by science and technology.






 Lothar Ledderose





  Colophons in China and the West



Curriculum Vitae



洛塔尔·雷德侯,德国海德堡大学东亚艺术史教授,是西方汉学界研究中国艺术的最有影响力的汉学家之一。曾于2005年获巴尔赞奖。著作有《万物》(获列文森图书奖)、《米芾与中国书法的古典传统》等。担任柏林高级研究机构会员(1983-1984),华盛顿国家画廊视觉艺术高级研究中心梅隆资深研究员(1990-1991),剑桥大学斯雷德教授(1992),剑桥大学斯雷德教授(1994),芝加哥大学客座教授(1996),国立台湾大学、京东大学客座教授(1997),华盛顿国家画廊梅隆讲师(1998),洛杉矶盖蒂研究中心讲师(2000-2001),京都大学人文学研究中心成员(2006-2007),海德堡大学资深教授(2010), 杭州中国美术学院客座教授(2013),北京故宫博物院顾问(2014)。


Lother Ledderose is a professor of the History of Art of Eastern Asia at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. A renowned authority in his field, he received the prestigious Balzan Prize in 2005. His most notable works include Mi Fu and theClassical Tradition of Chinese Calligraphy, Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art (wonthe Joseph Levenson Book Prize) etc. He was fellow and visiting professor at a great number of academic institutions, among which should be mentioned: Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin (1983–1984), Senior Mellon Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts in Washington (1990–1991), Slade Professor at the University of Cambridge (1992), Murphy Lecturer at the University of Kansas(1994), visiting professor at the Universities of Chicago (1996), Taiwan (1997)and Kyoto (1997),  Mellon Lecturer at the National Gallery of Art in Washington (1998) , Scholar at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles (2000–2001), Fellow, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University(2006-07), guest professor, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou(2013), Advisor, National Palace Museum, Beijing(2014).



 Jessica Rawson



Ritual Vessels as Icons



Curriculum Vitae





Professor Dame Jessica Rawson, British archaeologist, scholar on Sinology. She is vice chancellor of Oxford University (2006-), director of Merton College at Oxford University (1994-), professor of Chinese art and archeology (2000-2006), also the Fellow of the British Academy. Professor Rosen was born in England in 1943, graduated from University of Cambridge and SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), acting director and director of the Oriental Department at the British Museum (1976—1994). She was a board member at the British Library. In 2002, due to the contribution of Oriental Studies, she was awarded Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Professor Rosen’s academic study focuses on Chinese art and archeology, especially the bronze vessel of the Shang and Zhou dynasties and the tombs of Han Dynasty.





Official History and Manufacture in the Mongalian Yuan Dynasty



Curriculum Vitae







Shang Gang is an art historian on ancient Chinese crafts and arts, born in 1952 in Beijing and the professor of Art History Department at Tsinghua University. His main teaching courses at the University are Chinese crafts and arts history, the dynastic history of Chinese crafts and arts, and the science of historical data of Chinese arts and crafts history.


His academic research focuses on the dynastic history of Chinese crafts and arts, from the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589 AD) to Yuan Dynasty, especially the Yuan Dynasty and the Sui, the Tang and the five Dynasties. He is the director of the research projects including “Arts and Crafts during the Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties” (the topic of Ministry of Education) ; “Arts and Crafts during the Sui, the Tang and the Five Dynasties” (National arts and sciences topic) ;and “Qing History·Catalog·Literature Volume” (the topic of National codification Committee on the Qing history). Currently, he is a key member of a project team, involved in two research projects of which “Modern Development of Chinese Arts and Crafts” is the key project of the national of Arts and Sciences.



 Nino Simonishvili




From Object as a “Museum” to a Museums Object: The Social Life of the Khakhuli Triptych



Curriculum Vitae





Independent scholar and PhD Advisor for Georgian students; 2008—2013, Project Director of “Reconstructing the Past: Tradition and Transformation", member of the scientific board of Georgian National Museum, head of the organizing committee of the international lecture series: “The Middle Age: Research, Restoration, Exhibition Strategy” at GNM. 1995—2006, Docent  (Associate Professor) of Department of Art History at Tbilisi State University in Georgia, during which also is head of the Organizing Committee of the lecture series : "Die Genese des Bildes." Selected Articles include: “The visual concept for royal legitimacy. The Sculpted program of St. John Baptist Church of Oshki”(2015) ; “Images of Identity and Identity of the Images: Two miracle working icons in medieval Georgia” (2010).



 David Bindman




Kant and the Incompatibility of Utility and Appreciation



Curriculum Vitae





David Bindman is Emeritus Professor of the History of Art at University College London andVisiting Professor of the History of Art at Harvard University. He is a scholar of 18th century British art, and the author of books on Blake and Hogarth. His publications include Blake as an Artist (Phaidon Press,1977), Hogarth and his Times: Serious Comedy (London, British Museum Press, 1997), and he also is the editor of The History of British Art(Yale University Press, 2008). Over the course of his distinguished career, his interest turned to the representation of non-Europeans in Western art, culminating in the book Ape to Apollo: Aesthetics and the Idea of Race in the Eighteenth Century (Cornell University Press, 2002). In 2010, he has curated together with Anna Knaap the exhibition: “Africans in Black and White: prints of Harvard Art Museum from 16-17th century”.