动态 动态
发布时间 2016年01月21日
来源 中国美术学院出版社 微信公众号





艺术家 | 档案








莎拉以优异的成绩毕业于牛津Ruskin School of Art,并拥有建筑学专业资质(qualified in architecture)。


Rachel Campbell-Johnson在2005年4月泰晤士报上对莎拉画作的评价是“将视觉上看到的事物转为抽象,莎拉•巴特菲尔德似乎有些冒险,但她能将一系列美丽的色彩横扫在画布上”。Jon Snow对莎拉画作的评价是“莎拉是一位充满活力且果断的画家, 她用大胆的线条和丰富的色她能将强烈的动作与生动,鲜明,令人难忘的色彩如魔法般地融入到她的作品中”。





中国美术学院出版社 | 杭州 | 1月16日-22日





At the ocean V


At the ocean VI


At the ocean XI


Between the islands 6


Between the islands 1


Between the islands 2


Between the islands 3


Between the islands 4


Between the islands 5


Cosmos XVII


Cosmos XIX


Cosmos XVI


El Beso Mediterraneo I


El Beso Mediterraneo II


El Beso Mediterraneo V


Evening in the Solent 1


Evening in the Solent 2


Evening in the Solent 3


Evening in the Solent 4


Evening in the Solent 6


Evening in the Solent 7


Evening in the Solent 5


In the garden 1


In the garden 2


Ocean’s margin: clouds rising


Ocean’s margin: heat and evaporation


Ocean’s margin: midday


Ocean’s margin: two islands beyond


In Transition


Ocean, lights and palms IX


Ocean, lights and palms VIII


Ocean, lights and palms X


Ocean, lights and palms XI


Ocean, lights and palms XII


Ocean, lights and palms XIII




Siesta: afternoon


Siesta: early evening


Siesta: heat at midday


Siesta hour


Spring III


Summer at the ocean III


Summer at the ocean IV


Summer at the ocean V


Summer at the ocean VI


Summer at the ocean VII


Two figures at the ocean I


Two figures at the ocean II


At the ocean II


At the ocean III