动态 动态
发布时间 2015年12月13日
来源 Meme City

随着迷因城市:骇进现实第一届跨媒体艺术节开幕将近,小编将依次为大家介绍参加此次媒体艺术节的艺术家。本期介绍的是Paolo CirioAlessandro Ludovico。这两位艺术家将要向我们展示他们合作的“骇进垄断三部曲”——Amazon Noir》、《Face to Facebook》、《Google Will Eat Itself》。媒体艺术家Paolo与媒体艺术理论家Alessandro相加,将会碰撞出哪些Meme因子,我们拭目以待。





Alessandro Ludovico



亚历山德罗·路德维科是一名艺术家、媒体批评家,1993年以后担任《神经》杂志的主编。《神经》杂志是十分重要的讨论媒体的先锋杂志。他在英国剑桥的安格利亚罗斯金大学获得了英语与传媒的博士学位。他出版并参与编辑了一些书,也在多国发表过演讲。他是电子文化出版机构Mag.Net的创始人之一,也曾为Documenta 12的杂志项目当过顾问。他在巴黎帕森艺术与设计学院和卡拉拉美术学院教书,也在多伦多安大略艺术设计学院任职副教授。他是“骇进垄断三部曲”:《谷歌将吃掉自己》(Google Will Eat Itself),《黑色亚马逊》(Amazon Noir)及《面向脸书》(Face to Facebook)的作者之一。


Alessandro Ludovico is an artist, media critic and chief editor of Neural magazine since 1993. He received his Ph.D. degree in English and Media from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge (UK). He has published and edited several books, and has lectured worldwide. He’s one of the founders of Mag.Net (Electronic Cultural Publishers organisation). He also served as an advisor for the Documenta 12’s Magazine Project. He teaches at Parsons Paris School of Art & Design and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, and he’s Adjunct Professor at the OCAD in Toronto. He is one of the authors of the Hacking Monopolism trilogy of artworks (Google Will Eat Itself, Amazon Noir, Face to Facebook).




Alessandro Ludovico主编的杂志《Neural》及周边刊物:










Amazon Noir(黑色亚马逊)







Face to Facebook(面向脸书)







Google Will Eat Itself(谷歌将吃掉自己)