动态 动态
发布时间 2015年12月13日
来源 迷因城市

随着迷因城市:骇进现实第一届跨媒体艺术节开幕将近,小编将依次为大家介绍参加此次媒体艺术节的艺术家。本期介绍的是Paolo CirioAlessandro Ludovico。这两位艺术家将要向我们展示他们合作的“骇进垄断三部曲”——Amazon Noir》、《Face to Facebook》、《Google Will Eat Itself》。媒体艺术家Paolo与媒体艺术理论家Alessandro相加,将会碰撞出哪些Meme因子,我们拭目以待。




Paolo Cirio




(W)orld Currency




The Big Plot - RecombinantFiction



他最受争议的艺术创作受到CNN、福克斯新闻、华盛顿邮报、赫芬顿邮报、Global Village、巴西环球报、ABC、每日邮报、Toronto Standard、明镜周刊、德国时代周报、德国每日镜报、西班牙国家报、解放报、今日俄罗斯、环球时报、香港苹果日报等多家全球媒体的纷纷报道。


Paolo Cirio works with information systems that impact the dynamics of social structures. Cirio’s artworks investigate fields such as privacy, copyright, economy and democracy affected by communication networks. He shows his conceptual works through prints, installations, videos, online performances and interventions in public spaces.

He has won a number of awards, including Golden Nica at Ars Electronica, Transmediale and the Eyebeam fellowship, among others.


Persecuting US


Cirio’s artworks have been presented and exhibited in major art institutions, including Somerset House, London, 2015; Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, 2015; Utah MoCA, 2015; Vancouver Art Gallery, 2015; Cenart, Mexico, 2015; Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, 2015; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 2014; Open Society Foundation, NYC, 2014; TENT, Rotterdam, 2014; DOX Prague, 2014; MoCA Sydney, 2013; ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2013; CCCB, Barcelona, 2013; CCC Strozzina, Florence, 2013; MoCA Denver, 2013; MAK, Vienna, 2013; Architectural Association, London, 2013; Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, 2012; National Fine Arts Museum, Taichung, 2012; Wywyższeni National Museum, Warsaw, 2012, SMAK, Ghent, 2010; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, 2009; Courtauld Institute, London, 2009; PAN, Naples, 2008; MoCA Taipei, 2007; Sydney Biennal, 2007; and NTT ICC, Tokyo, 2006.

He has had solo shows at NOME art gallery, Berlin, 2015; Bellegard Centre Culturel, Toulouse, 2015; Kasa Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013; Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011 and 2013.

His controversial artworks are often covered by global media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Global Village, O Globo, ABC, Daily Mail, Toronto Standard, Der Spiegel, ZEIT, Tagesspiegel, El Pais, Libération, Russia Today, Global Times, Apple Daily HK, among many others.





Paolo Cirio往期作品:






Loophole for All


Check Check Reality


Open Society Structures - Algorithms Triptych


Overexposed - HD Stencils


People Quote People - The Death of the Author 2.0


Post Brands


Street Ghosts