动态 动态
发布时间 2015年12月17日
来源 迷因城市

随着迷因城市:骇进现实第一届跨媒体艺术节开幕将近,小编将逐渐为大家介绍参加此次媒体艺术节的艺术家。本期介绍的是 Yaporigami。Yaporigami作为日本电子音乐人,与Daihei Shibata、HEXPIXELS组合、DUB-Russell组合等艺术家成立了BRDG团体成员,此次演出将要以BRDG团体身份出现。








Yaporigami,1984 年出生于日本山梨县山梨市,日本电子音乐艺人。自2005年以来,他共发行了13部录音作品,包括专辑、 EP和单曲,包括实体和数码格式,作品都贴上了备受推崇的独立标签,如:美国的Detroit Underground,乌克兰的 FF’ Space, 日本的Hz-records及+Mus以及英国的Stray Landings等。Yaporigami在日本多地都曾演奏过,比如Dommune,eleven, Liquidroom, Metro,Super Deluxe, Soup,Unit, Womb, WWW,British venues Concorde2,Electrowerkz和Sketch。Yaporigami也曾亮相艺术节,比如日本EMAF艺术节,英国路普艺术节,最近和日本视觉艺术家Vokoi一起亮相墨西哥Transitio_MX的闭幕派对,轰动全场。Yaporigami的音乐影片如2012年的SyncBody,2014年的The Motion Paradox和2015年的Lilium在音视频媒体界,音乐人和电影人之间广为传播,“创造者项目”等媒体经常刊发有关他们的专题。

2013年,立陶宛线上期刊Secret Thirteen报道了Yaporigami的混音歌曲,这是他们第一次报道日本艺人,其他被一同报道的还有Ancient Methods,Demdike Stare,Emptyset和Peter Rehberg。该混音曲在Mixcloud趋势榜上IDM和Industrial类目都排行榜首。在Detroit Underground上的“Drudged Torn Routine”被法国SWQW杂志选为2014年最佳专辑之一。Yaporigami最近专为MTV International Ident制作了一条声轨,这是MTV2015年重塑全球潮流计划(MTV International Rebrand)的一部分。他打算在Dommune,The Final Media推出“Grind Analysis”(研磨分析)项目(宏川直宏取的名字,他也是运营者)。Yaporigami经常参与各种活动,不仅打造了自身的知名度,也和活动中遇见的富有创造力的人士一起创下各种佳绩。


Beat orientated music project of Japanese electronic music artist Yu Miyashita. Active since 2005 Miyashita has released a total of 13 recordings including albums, EPs and singles in both physical and digital format on respectable independent labels such as Detroit Underground (US), FF’ Space (UA), Hz-records (JP), +Mus (JP) and Stray Landings (UK). Miyashita performs across a spectrum of Japanese venues to include Dommune, eleven, Liquidroom, Metro, Super Deluxe, Soup, Unit, Womb, WWW and British venues Concorde2, Electrowerkz and Sketch. Miyashita has had Festival appearances at EMAF (Japan), Loop Festival (UK) and most recently headlined the closing party of Transitio_MX (Mexico) together with Vokoi, Japanese visual artist. The music videos “SyncBody” (2012), “The Motion Paradox” (2014), “Lilium” (2015) were widely spread amongst musicians and filmmakers working in audio/visual scene and media such as The Creators Project has featured them frequently. Lithuanian online journal Secret Thirteen announced a mix of Yaporigami as their first Japanese artist alongside others to include Ancient Methods, Demdike Stare, Emptyset, and Peter Rehberg in 2013. This mix has ranked #1 for both IDM / Industrial categories on Mixcloud trending chart. “Drudged Torn Routine” on Detroit Underground has been picked for Top Albums 2014 on French SWQW Magazine. Miyashita has recently produced a tailored track for MTV International Ident, a part of MTV International Rebrand 2015. He has planned and presented a programme entitled “Grind Analysis” at Dommune, The Final Media, the term coined by Ukawa Naohiro who also manages and runs it. Miyashita made an appearance, performed and succeeded with creative individuals he has come across through his ongoing activities.





Junichi Akagawa/Yaporigami



UNDERARROW × Kezzardrix