动态 动态
发布时间 2015年12月25日
来源 迷因城市






作为个人以及RMBit小组曾多次参加国内外重要媒体艺术展览及演出,包括中国声音艺术大展2014(香港),中国声音艺术大展2013(上海),FILE Electronic Language International Festival 2014(圣保罗),奥地利电子艺术节 2012(林兹),奥地利电子艺术节2015(林兹)。

Shi Zheng was born in 1990. Graduating fromThe School of Intermedia Art in China Academy of Art in 2014, he became a mediaartist, and created artworks such as experimental music, video, audio-visualinstallations and live performance. He is obsessed with synesthetic artisticcreation of virtual space. In 2013, he established RMBit Media Art Group withNeng Huo, Wang Zhipeng and Weng Wei.

He has participated in many major artexhibitions and performances home and abroad, as an individual or a member ofRMBit. For instance, Chinese Sound Art Exhibition 2014 (Hong Kong), ChineseSound Art Exhibition 2013 (Shanghai), FILE Electronic Language InternationalFestival 2014 (St. Paul), Ars Electronica 2012 (Linz),ArsElectronica 2015 (Linz).


《offset》Auido-Visual Installation large-scale screen, loud speakers 2014




When I use computer as my environment for artistic creation, the software and the operating system constitute an interesting world full of symbols to me.

It consists of actual and virtual realities in the cmeantime. Being a creator and a loner in this parallel planet, I take position as a photographer and a rover, keeping filming these virtual scenes, making and adding granularizezhd noises to this space I created. Through the process I would like to share with the viewers feelings of illusions in the non physical space as well as the unspeakable phenomenon filtered out in a medium alternating.


《Nimbus》Auido-Visual Installation large-scale screen, 55" plasma screen, loud speakers 13:51 loop" 2015


The concept of “Nimbus” probably started in the beginning of 2015 with a group of graphic works “noPlanet” However, I found that I could not be satisfied with these still visuals even though they are filled with a sense of flowing movement. So I decided to start a new, hence this work “Nimbus” This time, unlike my previous works, she does not look at the virtual world from a high vantage point. I begin to delve deep into the interior of the world, to capture the flow of the details of this gaseous floating. I cannot describe precisely what this blob of thing I created is, but I do feel a sense of horror when I look at these clouds made visible by light for an extended period of time. These sensations when I am immersed in it also makes me reflect on the relation between sound an sight, which is what I expect when I continue to create virtual worlds in the audio - visual format.