klimt02 International Jewellery On Line
Body Alchemy - the Hangzhou Contemporary International Jewelry and Metal Art Triennial 2015
EXHIBITION / 07 NOV 2015 - 19 NOV 2015
This exhibition is focused around the relationship anddialogue between the concept, materials, body and space of jewelry creation andmetal art, in order to explore the transition of contemporary jewelry and metalart from “alchemy” to “casting body”, from material aesthetics to conceptualart and from space modeling to body language.
By thinking fundamentally and interpreting different international andChinese categories of jewelry art, this exhibition explores how artistsconfront and eliminate the boundary between art and handicrafts in the realm ofjewelry in the new technological era. At the same time, we sort out theevolution between interdisciplinary research like art history, postmodern arttheory, sociology and anthropology and artistic jewelry through the art show ofChinese and international jewelry artists. In contemporary society, theartist’s needs for aesthetic expression and personal expression of metal artwill be released to the maximum limit and people’s aesthetic choices can beextended directly through new techniques into the field of reality, to becomewearable sculptures, thus completely breaking the choice limit in the era ofsimple manual production or mechanized production.
This exhibition features the introduction of international contemporaryjewelry artists and metal artists and also the incubation of the new-generationChinese young artists of jewelry art, forming a mature exchange platform forcontemporary jewelry art circles and cultivating cutting-edge jewelry artists.Roaming from the thematic exhibition to the peripheral exhibition, coupled withan international academic seminar, we start from the perspectives of academic,arts, business and public aesthetic guidance, expand from the academicperspective, convert from the business perspective, and guide the publicaesthetic to a multidimensional trigger of the relationship betweencontemporary art jewelry and people, life and urban ecology.
We invite the famous Dutch jewelry maker Prof. Ruudt Peters and ZhouWu Dean of College of Crafts as our Exhibition Curator, Shiming Gao(Curator of Shanghai Contemporary Art Biennial) and Liesbeth den Bestenas our Academic Directors, Xu Jiang (President of China Academy of artand the Curator of Shanghai Biennial) as our Producer, Wang Zhenghong asmanagement of exhibition. The exhibition will be located in Museum ofContemporary Art of China Academy of Art.
Artist List:
David Bielander, Alexander Blank, Helen Britton, Sigurd Bronger, Jichang Chai, BifeiCao, Carla Castiajo, Nicolas Chen, Xiang Dai, JessDare, Hilde De Decker,Aaron Decker, Gemma Draper, Yanli Duan, Iris Eichenberg, MingGu, Xin Guo, Karl Fritsch, BenediktFischer, Christiane Förster, Adam Grinovich, GésineHackenberg, Karolina Hagg, Sophie Hanagarth, Satoshi Hara, Jin He, Daniela Hedman, Hanna Hedman, Ineke Heerkens, MeiingHsu, Wen Hsien Hsu, Mary Lee Hu, Jun Hu, ShifaHu, Xiaowang Huang, David Huycke, Jiro Kamata, YeonmiKang, Donghyun Kim, Dongchun Lee, Heng Lee, HelenaLehtien, Sang Li, Xiao Liang, Xiao Liu, AndersLjungberg, Myra Mimlitsch-Gray, Xianou Ni, Xiaoli Ning, TedNoten, Noon Passama, Ruudt Peters, VincentPontillo-Verrastro, Estela Saez, Philip Sajet, Lucy Sarneel, Dosik Seo, Peter Skubic, JieSun, Tore Svensson, Xuxiang Tang, Fei Teng, CarineTerreblanche, Terhi Tolvanen, TarjaTuupannen, David Tylor, Tanel Veenre, AricVerrastro, Chungang Wang, Kezheng Wang, Kun Wang, NormanWeber, Qiong Wang, Xiaoxin Wang, Zhenghong Wang, MianWu, Annamaria Zanella, Christoph Zellweger, BowenZhang, Fan Zhang, Lan Zhang, Ni Zhang, Yan Zheng, Xiao Zhou.
Related Activity:
Seminar “Body Alchemy” November 8-9
Exhibition schedule:
Location: Museum of Contemporary Art of CAA (MCACAA) (218 Nanshan Road)
Opening: November 7
Exhibition Period: November 7, 2015 - November 19, 2015
Exhibition Academic Committee:
Director of Academic Committee: Xu Jiang
Academic Directors: Gao Shiming, Yangzhenyu, Liesbeth den Besten(Netherlander)
Organization Framework: Wang Zhenghong
Curator: Ruudt Peters (the Netherlands), Zhou Wu
Curator assistant: Dai Xiang
Secretary-General of Organizing Committee: Zhou Wu, Wang Zhenghong
Organizer: China Academy ofArt
David Bielander
Bracelet: Cardboard 2, 2015
Silver patinated,white gold staple
9 x 8 x 5 cm
Iris Eichenberg
Pendant: Pink Years Later 6, 2009/10
Gold, beads, polymer clay, panty hose
50 x 10 x 6 cm
Sophie Hanagarth
Ring: Lipstick, 2013
Stainless steel
2.5 x 2.5 x 3 cm
Ruudt Peters
Brooch: bai se peng gu, 2014
Agate, silver
11.5 x 13 x 1.2 cm
Sigurd Bronger
Necklace: Carrying Device for an egg, 2014
Cast iron, egg, steel wire
30 x 7 x 5 cm
From series: In between
Ted Noten
Object: Messin’ around with willy – various numbers, 2015
3D print paper, yellow dyed
7 x 24 x 10 cm
Carine Terreblanche
Pendant: See blue, 2015
Silver, enamel paint, leather
2.5 x 2.7 x 0.7 cm
Liu Xiao
Brooch: Immortal symbol series, 2015
Plastic shopping bags, silver, enamel paint, leather
3 x 4 x 0.3 cm
From series: Immortal symbol series
Wang Xiaoxin
Object: Simultaneous corresponding, 2015
Copper and gold plated
50 x 8 x 5.5 cm
Christoph Zellweger
Pendant: Excess 298, 2011
Glass, mouth blown and UV bonded
15 x 7 x 4 cm